RMCO Research Reports
The Rocky Mountain Climate Organization was a non-profit founded in 2004 with the mission of working to reduce climate disruption and its impacts and to help keep the Interior West the special place that we cherish. It did so by spreading the word about what an altered climate can do to us here and what we can do about it, including through reports such as those posted here, and also by advocating public and private actions. RMCO was CC4CA’s first organizational home. It ceased operations in 2021 when founder and President Stephen Saunders retired.
Climate Projections in Eagle County, Colorado (December 2021)
Climate Projections in Summit County, Colorado (December 2021)
Climate Change in the Headwaters: Water and Snow Impacts (2018)
Future Extreme Heat in the Denver Metro Area (June 2017)
Future Precipitation in the Denver Metro Area (June 2017)